
Launch of the network XarxEsCat

The main goal of XarxEsCat is to act as a meeting point for professionals, companies and researchers who face methodological, technological and research challenges related to software engineering in Catalonia. This meeting point is coordinated by the GESSI research group from UPC.

Last November, Xavier Franch presented XarxEsCat during the Industry Day held in the PROFES 2019 conference.

Since then, the network is open to the companies, associations and practitioners working in Software Engineering in the Catalunya area.

Companies as ThoughtWorks, beawre and and associations as DDD Barcelona have already joined the network. Welcome!

The specific objectives, the service catalogue and the forms to join or contact the network can be find in the XarxEsCat web page.

The network activities and news can be followed through the @XarxEs_CAT twitter account, and the XarxEsCat Linkedin web page.

The first activity of the network was the invitation to the requirements specialist Alistair Mavin to give a @FIBAlumni seminar at the Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona on "Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS)".