Other Past European Networks, Collaborations and Projects


Title:VISDOM: Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development

Identifier:  project Nr. 17038; C-11420

Dates: October 2019 - June 2022

Participation: Subcontracted partner

Goal: The VISDOM project will develop new types of visualisations that utilise and merge data from several data sources in modern DevOps development. The aim is to provide simple “health check” visualisations about the state of the development process, software and use.

VISDOM leaflet

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Title: What practitioners think about requirements engineering research

Dates: November 2015 - December 2020

Participation: Project coordinators Prof. Xavier Franch and Prof. Daniel Mendez (Technische Universität München)

Goal: Provide practitioners with the possibility to add their own views and flavours regarding current research in RE. Discover the lines of current research that are more promising for practitioners. Identify the topics and areas of future research (or fine-tune existing ones) in RE.

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Estimating effort for QR

Title: Technique to estimate the effort to implement a quality requirement in agile software developments (Técnica para estimar el esfuerzo de implementación de un requisito de calidad en desarrollos ágiles de software)

Dates: January 2019 - February 2020.

Participation: Joint project with Universidad de Medellin. UPC team is composed of: María José Salamea (PhD student), Dr. Carles Farré, Dr. Marc Oriol and Prof. Xavier Franch (Supervisor).

Goal: This project aims at studying and defining a technique for estimating the effort required in the implementation of quality requirements in the context of agile software development.


Title: How do companies deal with NFR in MDD

Dates: December 2014 - March 2019

Participation: Six European research teams from six different countries working under the supervision of the GESSI research group

Goal: Surveying the state of the practice of NFR in MDD in companies. Multi-national empirical study, based on interviews with companies working on MDD projects.

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Title: Smart Adaptation through Contextual REquirements

Dates: January 2015 - June 2019.

Participation: Collaborative project that is constantly integrating new partners. UPC team: Edith Zavala (GESSI PhD student), Prof. Xavier Franch (Supervisor) and Dr. Jordi Marco (Co-supervisor)

Goal: The SACRE project aims at dealing with this challenging situation supporting the adaptation of contextual requirements affected by runtime uncertainty in modern self-adaptive systems.

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TitleSmArt seLf-driving vehIcle

Identifier: Open Research at AstaZero program (call 4 - 20180430, application A-0034

Dates: July 2018 - October 2018

Participation: Project leaders Edith Zavala (GESSI PhD student) and Dr. Christian Berger (Univeristy of Gothenburg). Supervisors Prof. Xavier Franch and Dr. Jordi Marco.

Goal: The SALI project aims at providing an open software engineering solution to integrate self-* capabilities such self-healing, self-optimization and self-improvement to self-driving vehicles for responding to runtime challenging factors such as unpredictability, faults and limited resources. 

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S-CUBE (Network of Excellence at FP7)

Title: Associate Member at the Software Services and Systems Network

Identifier:  contract No. 215483

Dates: March 2008 -February 2012

Web page: http://www.s-cube-network.eu/

ADOxx (Acciones Integradas programme)

Title: Definition of the i* format by using the metamodel compiler ADOxx v1.0

Identifier:  AT2009-0015

Dates: January 2010 -December 2011

SODA (ITEA programme)

Title: Service Oriented Device & Delivery Architecture

Identifier:  ITEA 05022

Dates: January 2006 -December 2008

Web page: https://itea3.org/project/soda.html

MSDS (Acciones Integradas programme)

Title: Requirements Engineering for Multi-Stakeholder Distributed Systems

Identifier:  HU2005-0021

Dates: January 2006 - December 2007

WG-ECUA (Working Group at FP5)

Title: EuropeAn COTS User Working Group

Identifier:  IST-2000-26436

Dates: January 2001 - October 2002

Web page: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/53157_en.html