GLiDE: Integrated Gamified Learning Dashboard Environment

Title: Integrated Gamified Learning Dashboard Environment (GLiDE)

Funding Entity: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Call for grants to carry out teaching improvement and innovation projects Galàxia Aprenentatge 2023). The project was granted under the Catalan title "Introducció d' elements de ludificació a l'eina Learning Dashboard per millorar l'aprenentatge en assignatures basades en el desenvolupament en equip de projectes software" as it appears in the call's resolution.

Dates: May 2023 - July 2024

Participation: Carles Farré (coordinator), Xavier Franch, Lidia López, and Marc Oriol

Goal: This project aims to enhance the user experience and introduce gamification elements into the Learning Dashboard. This intervention is expected to have a positive impact on student motivation and engagement, team collaboration and cohesion, project performance, and the quality of the artifacts produced while working on Software Engineering projects.