SACRE is a research tool that aims at demonstrating how to support the dynamic adaptation of modern self-adaptive systems affected by challenging runtime factors.

Name: SACRE tool

Description: Nowadays, software systems are able to automatically adapt their behaviour and structure in order to respond to changes in the environment and their own operation. This kind of systems are known as Self-Adaptive Systems (SASs). SASs are constantly affected by runtime factors such as unpredictable resource unavailability, changing environmental conditions and user needs, as well as system intrusions or faults. Moreover, today’s systems are increasingly more complex, distributed, decentralized, etc. and therefore have to reason about and cope with more and more uncertain events. The SACRE tool aims at demonstrating how these challenging situations can be tackled through the dynamic adaptation of SASs' adaptation logic. As part of the results of the SACRE tool, a series of use cases in the extremely demanding domains of smart vehicles and IoT applicaions have been evaluated. The tool and its extensions have been used as simulation environments of experiments that were later run in real systems.

Projects: The SACRE tool is an artifact of the research project Smart Adaptation through Contextual REquirements. In the context of the project different collaborations have been performed.  For example, the GESSI research group has collaborated with the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering of Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the Dept. of Computer Science of the University of Victoria (Canada), the University of Valecia (Spain), the test ground AstaZero (Sweden) and the vehicles lab REVERE (Sweden).

Authors: Edith Zavala, Xavier Franch, Jordi Marco.

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