Name: OpenReq-UPC suite of components
Description: The goal of the OpenReq H2020 European project is to build an intelligent recommendation and decision system for community-driven requirements engineering. Inside the OpenReq project, is contributing in two different research branches: one dedicated to provide personal recommendations to stakeholders to help them during requirements engineering, and another one focused on detecting different types of dependencies among requirements. As a result of these two branches of research, 6 software components in the form of API web services has been developed: the Classifier Services component, the Conformance to Templates component, the Stakeholder Recommender component, the Cross-Reference Detector component, the Similarity Detector component and the Dependency Detector component.
Contact: Cristina Palomares, Xavier Franch, Joaquim Motger
SACRE is a research tool that aims at demonstrating how to support the dynamic adaptation of modern self-adaptive systems affected by challenging runtime factors.
Name: SACRE tool
Description: Nowadays, software systems are able to automatically adapt their behaviour and structure in order to respond to changes in the environment and their own operation. This kind of systems are known as Self-Adaptive Systems (SASs). SASs are constantly affected by runtime factors such as unpredictable resource unavailability, changing environmental conditions and user needs, as well as system intrusions or faults. Moreover, today’s systems are increasingly more complex, distributed, decentralized, etc. and therefore have to reason about and cope with more and more uncertain events. The SACRE tool aims at demonstrating how these challenging situations can be tackled through the dynamic adaptation of SASs' adaptation logic. As part of the results of the SACRE tool, a series of use cases in the extremely demanding domains of smart vehicles and IoT applicaions have been evaluated. The tool and its extensions have been used as simulation environments of experiments that were later run in real systems.
Projects: The SACRE tool is an artifact of the research project Smart Adaptation through Contextual REquirements. In the context of the project different collaborations have been performed. For example, the GESSI research group has collaborated with the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering of Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the Dept. of Computer Science of the University of Victoria (Canada), the University of Valecia (Spain), the test ground AstaZero (Sweden) and the vehicles lab REVERE (Sweden).
Authors: Edith Zavala, Xavier Franch, Jordi Marco.
Name: PLATform for Ecosystem-OSS analysis
Description: Open source software (OSS) and software ecosystems (SECOs) are two consolidated research areas in software engineering. OSS influences the way organizations develop, acquire, use and commercialize software. SECOs are a relatively new research topic that has emerged as a paradigm to understand complex software systems. PLATEOSS is a platform for analyzing Open Source Software Ecoystems
Authors: Oscar H. Franco, David Ameller, Dolors Costal, Xavier Franch
Name: Framework for monitoring QoS attributes of web services
Description: SALMon is a tool for (1) monitoring the QoS of a Service, (2) report the obtained Quality information and (3) report SLA violations.
Projects: The tool has been used among others in the following projects: QuPreSS: A platform to assess prediction accuracy of forecasting services. WeSSQos: Service selection framework that supports the discovery of web services based on their QoS and the user's non-functional requirements, by providing a ranking to help the user in the web service selection process.
Description: The reuse of software requirements may help requirement engineers to elicit, validate and document software requirements and, as a consequence, obtain software requirement specifications of better quality both in contents and syntax. PABRE facilitates the reuse in requirement engineering using Requirement Patterns. The PABRE system consists in different tools: PABRE-Man to define and manage patterns; PABRE-Proj, PABRE-RW to specify requirements in a project using patterns; and PABRE-WS that are web services to allow other requirement management tools to access to a patterns repository.
Contact: Cristina Palomares, Carme Quer, Xavier Franch
Name: Web Service Selection based on Quality of Service
Description: The goal of WeSSQoS is to provide a tool for the correct discovery of web services, providing a ranking to help the user in the selection of services for SOA Systems.
Authors: Oscar Cabrera with the collaboration of Marc Oriol and the supervision of Xavier Franch and Jordi Marco, as part of the activities of the GESSI research group and CENIDET research center of Mexico.
Name: The i* Mark-up Language
Description: iStarML is an XML compliant format to represent i* diagrams. Different methodologies have been created based on i* concepts and modelling techniques. In particular the i* framework has been exploited in different areas such as organizational modelling, business process reengineering and requirements engineering. Moreover, several proposals have been made to incorporate i* modelling concepts to deal with software systems requirements representation and design. Therefore, the goal of iStarML is to have a common format where the common conceptual framework of the main i* language variations is made explicit and, in addition, the differences could be expressed using open options using the same specification. Using iStarml we are able to easily exchange models which are built using tools based on different metamodels with tha main goal of creating en ecosystem of models and tecniques associated to the i* community.
Authors: Carlos Cares, Xavier Franch, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi
Mobile app knowledge graph for document-based feature knowledge generation
Mobile app repositories serve as large-scale crowdsourced information systems used for various document-based software engineering tasks, leveraging product descriptions, user reviews, and other natural language documents. Particularly, feature extraction (i.e., identifying functionalities or capabilities of a mobile app mentioned in these documents) is key for product recommendation, topic modelling, and feedback analysis. However, researchers often face domain-specific challenges in mining these repositories, including the integration of heterogeneous data sources, large-scale data collection, normalization and ground-truth generation for feature-oriented tasks. In this paper, we introduce MApp-KG, a combination of software resources and data artefacts in the field of mobile app repositories aimed at supporting feature-oriented knowledge generation tasks. Our contribution provides a framework for automatically constructing a knowledge graph that models a domain-specific catalog of natural language documents related to mobile applications. We distribute MApp-KG through a public triplestore, enabling its immediate use for future research and replication of our findings.
MApp-KG is available at (read-only)
Please cite this research as: Motger, Q.; Franch, X.; Marco, J. MApp-KG: Mobile app knowledge graph for document-based feature knowledge generation. A: International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. "Intelligent Information Systems, CAiSE Forum 2024: Limassol, Cyprus, June 3-7, 2024: proceedings". Springer, 2024, p. 129-137. ISBN 978-3-031-61000-4. DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-61000-4_15 .