Making a data space building blocks catalogue
Collaboration with International Data Spaces Association ("plaza en prácticas curriculares")
Description: The OPEN DEI project Task Force 1 has delivered the design principles for data spaces position paper. This activity is led by International Data Space Association (IDSA). IDSA's mission is to create a global standard for trusted data exchange. It will be taking place through federated, international data spaces that are globally certified by International Data Space Association (IDS), as well as fostering technologies and business models that will drive the data economy of the future in Europe and around the globe.
In OPEN DEI Task Force 1, we team up with first-time data space experts across data-sharing initiatives to define the design principles for data spaces development and implementation. We have already identified data spaces building blocks (Chapter 2). The technical and governance building blocks enable (plug & play) integration of different systems and platforms used by data space participants beyond the security limits of each participant. The picture below shows these building blocks:
We want to collaborate with the UPC to identify the available technologies in research projects and data spaces pioneers that already have solutions for data spaces interoperability, trust data exchange and data value-added services.
With this project, we want to provide a catalogue of available technologies, solutions, and best practices available. The first mapping of technologies (FIWARE, Gaia-X and IDSA are working on it). You can see the picture below.
One of the goals of the OPEN DEI Task Force 1 Iteration 2 is to create a building blocks catalogue. Also, identify existing building blocks references implementation and minimal viable data spaces implementation (an example of current data spaces mapping is the IDSA data spaces radar).
We look for a student that wants to participate in a data-driven initiative and learn about the state-of-the-art technologies in data spaces and secure data sharing. He/she/their will be part of an international team that works together to assess technical building blocks for data spaces developments. The data spaces to be evaluated are mobility data space, SCSN, Catena-X, i-SHARE, and research projects such as PLATOONs, i3-MARKET, TRUSTS up to 25 project.
The student will participate in an European team, so the job will be developed in English and 100% teleworking.
Degree: GEI, GCED
Technologies: requirements engineering, software architectures, privacy by design
Requirements: Software Engineering or Computer Science specialization
Contact: Silvia Castellvi (International Data Spaces), Silverio Martínez-Fernández (UPC)