(TFG) Development of a new version of the web app GESSI-SLR
Description: The GESSI research group currently has a web application that supports the group's systematic literature studies (SLR). This application is developed with technologies: Spring boot, Bootstrap, Maven, Java, JDBC, Derby BD, Docker. The web app is already available in a server and is debloyed using Docker containers. The project consists on adding access control functionalities to the application, and adding functionlities of introduction and selection of relevant references for a project. On the other hand, it also consists on improving the efficiency in the access to the references imported for a project, on improving the maitainability of the app, and on improving the usability of the tool. Improving the maitainability and usability and the mai may require a change to React or Angular in the front-end of the app.
Degree: GEI.
Requirements: Software Engineering specialization
Technologies: Angular, Bootstrap, Maven, Java, JDBC, Derby BD, Docker
Contact: Carme Quer
Offer expiration date: 15-7-2023