OpenReq-UPC suite of components


The goal of the H2020 European project OpenReq  (standing for Intelligent Recommendation & Decision Technologies for Community-Driven Requirements Engineering) is to build an intelligent recommendation and decision system for community-driven requirements engineering. OpenReq recommends, prioritises, and visualises requirements using novel artificial intelligence techniques.

As part of OpenReq, the GESSI research group is contributing in two different research branches: one dedicated to provide personal recommendations to stakeholders to help them during requirements engineering, and another one focused on detecting different types of dependencies among requirements. As a result of these two branches of research, several components and publications have arisen.

For more information see:

Suite of components

Inside OpenReq, GESSI is mostly working on two different branches: one dedicated to provide personal recommendations to stakeholders to help them during requirements engineering, and another one focused on detecting different types of dependencies among requirements. As a result of these two branches of research, several components have been developed:

  • The Classifier Services component (ORCS) offers the implementation of a machine learning multiclass classifier and a multilabel classifier. In the context of OpenReq, this classifier is used to assign values to requirement properties.

        • The Cross-Reference detector component (OpenReq-CR) aims to identify the natural language expressions that denote cross references, i.e., a piece of text within a document which refers to related information elsewhere, in the same or different document.

        • The Dependency Detector component (Openreq-DD) automatically detects requirement dependencies, no matter the type of dependencies they are. The core of this service is based on an ontology which defines dependency relations between specific terminologies related to the domain of the requirements.

More information on each one of the components is available by clicking on the name on the component.


  • C. Lüders, M. Raatikainen, J. Motger, W. Maalej "OpenReq Issue Link Map: A Tool to Visualize Issue Links in Jira", in 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'19), 2019
  • D. Costal, X. Franch, L. López, C. Palomares, C. Quer “On the Use of Requirement Patterns to Analyse Request for Proposal Documents”, in 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019), 2019
  • A. Falkner, C. Palomares, X. Franch, G. Schenner, P. Aznar, A. Schoerghuber "Identifying Requirements in Requests for Proposal", in 25th Int. Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’19), 2019
  • Q. Motger, R. Borrull, C. Palomares, J. Marco "OpenReq-DD: A Requirements Dependency Detection Tool", in 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (NLP4RE'19), 2019
  • D. Fucci, C. Palomares, X. Franch, D. Costal, M. Raatikainen, M. Stettinger, Z. Kurtanovic, T. Kojo, L. Koenig, A. Falkner, G. Schenner, F. Brasca, T. Männistö, A. Felfernig, W. Maalej "Needs and Challenges for a Platform to Support Large-scale Requirements Engineering. A Multiple Case Study", in 12th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM’18), 2018
  • C. Quer, X.Franch, C. Palomares, A. Falkner, A. Felfernig, D. Fucci, W. Maalej, J. Nerlich, M.Raatikainen, G. Schenner, M. Stettinger, J. Tiihonen "Reconciling Practice and Rigour in Ontology-Based Heterogeneous Information Systems Construction", in IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM’18), 2018
  • C. Palomares, X. Franch, D. Fucci "Personal Recommendations in Requirements Engineering: The OpenReq Approach", in 24th Int. Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’18), 2018
  • C. A. Furnari, C. Palomares, X. Franch "ORSIM: Integrating existing software components to detect similar natural language requirements", demo tool in 24th Int. Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’18), 2018
  • A. Felfernig, M. Stettinger, A. Falkner, M. Atas, X. Franch, C. Palomares "OpenReq: Recommender Systems in Requirements Engineering", in Workshop on Recommender Systems and Big Data Analytics (RS-BDA), 2017