Reactive Plan (AGAUR - Llavor)

: Reactive Plan: A Tool for Continuous Software Release Planning

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF - FEDER) of the European Union under the "Programa operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020" with an aid of € 20,000€

Identifier:  2016LLAV00009

Dates: July 2017 - April 2018

Description Reactive Plan focuses on the reinforcement of the connection between software development and release planning activities. Software development is the task of producing the implementation of the software (e.g., writing the source code) while release planning is deciding what is to be implemented, when and by whom. In order to fully support the continuous planning of releases, the Reactive Plan tool will: 1) monitor the real progress of the ongoing release (by connecting with developer tools like JIRA or Slack); and 2) re-plan the current release when necessary (e.g., some activity is delayed or a developer takes a sick leave). Participants: David Ameller, Carles Farré, Quim Motger

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