
Site news

Jul 30, 2018

Project accepted into the OpenResearch@AstaZero Program!. The SALI project aims at providing an open software engineering solution to integrate self-* capabilities such self-healing, self-optimization and self-improvement to self-driving vehicles for responding to runtime challenging factors such as unpredictability, faults and limited resources. Edith Zavala, member of the GESSI research group, is one of the project leaders, jointly with Dr. Christian Berger of the University of Gothenburg.

Jul 08, 2019

Edith Zavala gets her PhD with the thesis entitled "Towards adaptative monitoring for self-adaptative systems" done with the supervision of Xavier Franch and Jordi Marco

Nov 30, 2019

The 20th edition of PROFES conference was held in Barcelona, Spain, from November 27 to 29, 2019. PROFES, the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, is among the top-notch software development and process improvement conferences.

Dec 15, 2019

The GESSI research group is participating as a subcontracted partner in the VISDOM ITEA Project, which lasts from October 2019 to June 2022.

Jan 08, 2020

The main goal of XarxEsCat is to act as a meeting point for professionals, companies and researchers who face methodological, technological and research challenges related to software engineering in Catalonia. This meeting point is coordinated by the GESSI research group from UPC.

Oct 28, 2020

GESSI meetings to share research activities, and planning new projects, subject investigation and events, are held as online meetings during the pandemic period.